Saturday, April 28, 2007


Have you ever seen the movie, ”Shadowlands”? It stars Anthony Hopkins, who is one of the best actors of his era, in my opinion. He portrays the renowned teacher and writer, C. S. Lewis. It is an account of Lewis learning some practical lessons in areas about which he had written and professed extensively, namely dealing with pain in one’s life.

He learns the lessons through his relationship with an American writer, Joy Gresham. Her part is played by Debra Winger, a good actress in her own right. The story depicts their relationship grow and deepen, and the way they deal with the cancer that eventually takes her from him.

I have become a sentimental old fool over the years, and I shed tears in movies all the time. But in this one, I was to the point of sobbing. I could relate to the depth of love and the struggle this man of faith was going through after having spoken so many times on how to deal with such loss.

If you have not seen the movie, I recommend you rent it and watch it with someone you love deeply. It was nominated as Best Picture in 1993, so it is well done. And it might even stimulate discussion about some things loved ones should talk about, but too often do not!

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