Saturday, February 17, 2007


I just found out about Grokodile, which is a directory of web or blog sites on regional list. The idea is to build a community of web sites in a particular region of the world. When you visit the site you a prompted to click on the portion North America in which you live and maintain a blog or web site. When I clicked on the United States, I found that all the states were on the page. I clicked on Texas. That led me to a page listing all the counties in the state. When I clicked on Galveston, I was offered the opportunity to add my blog to the directory of sites for Galveston County. At the time of my registration, there were only three others listed on the page. After verification of my registration, I was given a code which I can link my blog back to the Grokodile site. In this day when presence on the web is benefited by mutual links, this seems to be a good idea.

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